- April 8, 2021
- Ahmed Hosny
- 0
The Challenges Facing Small and Midsize Businesses
Small and midsize businesses focus first on increasing sales and profitability. Getting orders from customers and fulfilling them at a profit is always job one, and software can be a tool to increase efficiency and productivity. But at some point, especially if growth has been rapid, most businesses find that the process of increasing sales is being slowed down because information is not flowing smoothly from one part of the business to the other. This can happen for many different reasons.
Information Gap:
The information gap refers to the lack of timely business information needed to run the business efficiently. For example, if a large order comes in that is time sensitive, the key question is: When can we fulfill this order? In the face of an information gap, the right information must be assembled from a variety of sources, if it has been properly captured in the first place. In the face of a persistent information gap, business decisions are made without sufficient information, resulting in mistakes, rework, or missed opportunities.
Process Gap:
A process gap exists when manual business tasks are not automated, or automation stops in one application and must be manually transferred to another. Process gaps are resolved by duplicate reentry of information from one application into another or by constructing brittle, special-purpose software to do the transfer. Process gaps slow a company down, retard change, and reduce the possibilities for automation. Effective and complete integration, in which information flows from one step to the next, bridges the process gap
Multiple Point Solutions:
Companies often acquire multiple point solutions to meet specific needs as business expands, for example, an accounting application to manage general ledgers and invoices, or a warehouse management solution to keep track of inventory. Keeping this combination of applications up to date, integrated, and running smoothly can be a challenge. To get a picture of what is happening in every part of the business takes a lot of work and requires information to be extracted and reconciled across many systems. While such applications may serve for a time, ultimately your business needs a more flexible and integrated solution.
How SAP Business One Addresses the Challenges
While most business software is focused on automation, few software companies, if any, approach the challenge of creating software in the same way as SAP. Most of the time, a software vendor picks one area, such as accounting or CRM, and builds a product to support the particular processes related to that area. How these processes work with the other fundamental processes of other areas is a question left unanswered. SAP Business One is the answer to that question.
Streamlined Business Processes
The broad scope of SAP Business One helps you streamline and automate your entire business from end to end, including CRM, accounting, warehouse management, and production. Furthermore, when an important business event occurs, automatic responses can be executed as needed. This management-by-exception paradigm increases productivity by reducing information overload and inappropriate actions, allowing you to be proactive in managing your business, rather than reactive.
Instant Access to Information
Having all business data stored in a single integrated application like SAP Business One means critical business information is simply a few clicks away in a configurable dashboard or through intuitive drill-down reports. Since SAP Business One works primarily in real time, changes are recorded instantly, without delay. You can get the state of the business whenever and wherever you need it through a variety of different reporting mechanisms, including Microsoft Office applications, mobile devices, Crystal Reports, SAP Lumira and dashboards.
Designed Exclusively for Small and Midsize Businesses and Backed by SAP
SAP Business One is a new breed of business management software built from the ground up exclusively for small and midsize businesses like yours. It draws on SAP’s more than 47 years of experience in creating business applications that serve the needs of millions of users worldwide.
Available in 44 country localizations that support country-specific legal requirements. Countries which are not directly localized, may still use SAP Business One, using a similar localization, or use a local partner to customize the system for the local requirements. Furthermore, even within a given localization, users can choose from 28 languages in which to do their work. This means that if your company has employees who speak different languages, you can accommodate them.
As the worldwide leader in business management software, SAP is committed to bringing comprehensive business management solutions to meet your current and future business needs. Helping you run your business smoothly is one of the most important jobs of SAP and its global network of certified SAP Business One partners.
Source: SAP Business One- To Go