
Hardware Requirements Guide

Hardware requirements listed in this document apply to SAP Business One software in general and are independent of underlying database, except for the footnotes applicable for SAP HANA. The minimum hardware requirements in this guide are recommendations to support operational processes at a minimal level. Applications with a high transaction volume or the execution of detailed reports have higher requirements.

Minimum Hardware Requirements for Non-hosted Environments

SAP Business One Servers

Component9.0 / 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 10.0
Processor (1, 2)1 x Intel® Xeon® E3 (or equivalent)
Memory (2)4 GB (minimum)16~32GB(recommended)
Hard Disk (2)System partition 32 GBData partition 10 GB

SAP Business One Workstations

Component9.0 / 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 10.0
Processor (1)1 x Intel® Xeon® E3 (or equivalent)
Memory (2)2 GB (minimum)4 ~ 8 GB (recommended)
Hard DiskSystem partition 32 GBData partition 10 GB

Minimum Hardware Requirements for the Integration Component 1.0 for SAP Business One

Integration Component1.0
MemoryDatabase system 2 GB Operating system 1 GB Integration component 1 GB (1)

RAM Requirements for SAP Add-Ons

Add-On9.0 / 9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 10.0
BTHFNo longer supported
Copy ExpressMerged into the SAP Business One application
DATEV25 MB ~ 70 MB (1)
ELSTER 30 MB ~ 50 MB (1)
Fixed AssetsMerged into the SAP Business One application
Format Definition30 MB ~ 150 MB (1)
Intercompany Integration SolutionConsult the Intercompany Integration Solution sizing guide for information on hardware and running the Intercompany Integration Solution
IntrastatMerged into the SAP Business One application
Outlook Integration25 MB ~ 70 MB (1)
Payment Engine (including Cash & Bank)110 MB ~ 130 MB (1)
XL ReporterNo longer supported (2)
Server SAP


  • Delivers support only for selected releases at its own discretion, based on the business impact and the complexity of implementation.
  • In general, only English language platform versions are supported. Platform versions in other languages are generally supported if there are no issues specific to the platform versions in the other languages.
  • SAP does not issue support statements for SAP Business One on virtualization software as the responsibility for operating system compatibility lies with virtualization software vendors. SAP Business One runs on virtualization software just as it runs on non-virtualized operating system platforms.
  • SAP Business One is only tested on major versions of Microsoft operating systems, databases and Office software products. Service Packs delivered by Microsoft in the course of a product’s lifecycle are unattested separately but are automatically supported for SAP Business One.
  • SAP investigates issues with Microsoft Service Packs on a case-by-case basis as a program error.

Source: SAP documentation 

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